Change of Address


Just call me Gene’O

I’ve moved to 

Since I travel a very wide circle on the social media and keep tabs on hundreds of blogs, I’m leaving this page here for folks who stop by in the coming weeks and months to check in and see what I’m up to.

This blog started out as a writing blog and evolved over the course of nine months into a personal one. I reached the point with it where I needed a better address and a new design. Moving was the easiest way to accomplish those goals. Four things you need to know about the move are listed below.

  1. The archives here are intact, and will remain so forever. I haven’t killed any links on your blog. selfportrait1
  2. The archives through the first week of August have been uploaded to the new site. Anything you remember from here is accessible over there and you should be able to find it with a search.
  3. This blog isn’t entirely static, it just changes slowly. There are times when I want to experiment with the interface options, but not on a live blog. This is where I do that. There are also times when I want to experiment with the Internet by sharing particular things in as many ways as possible. Sometimes I’ll use this blog to help with that, too. So you’ll see a reblog here from time to time — it’ll just appear on the blog page instead of the front page.
  4. I’m no longer updating pages here. If you are using the “Collected Works” pages to keep up with series at Sourcerer or Part Time Monster, you should check the pages at the new blog. The page structure hasn’t changed, but the links are more current.

9 thoughts on “Change of Address

  1. […] friends who read my blog. I think The Writing Catalog’s pages need a lot of work, though. The about page, for instance, is nothing but a misson statement and an email address. I already had this on my […]


  2. Diana says:

    Hey, I’ve nominated you guys for a WordPress family and Very Inspiring Blogger Award! See here:


  3. Steve says:

    Thank you for pitching up here. I look forward to taking a blogging journey with you. Steve…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gene'O says:

      Thanks for coming and taking a look at the page, and for the follows! It’s definitely a journey. We make plans. Sometimes we fail, but we’ve mostly succeed so far.

      it’s nice to internet-meet you 🙂


  4. […] Taylor Grace Rose B Fischer The Writing Catalog […]


  5. Diana says:

    Hey you, I’ve listed you as a possible participant in the writing process blog tour. You can find the information here: 🙂


  6. […] Part Time Monster nominated me, and I’m going to re-tag Winter Bayne and Gene’O over at The Writing Catalog just to be […]

    Liked by 1 person

  7. […] my content here on DBCII. It’s perhaps unsurprising that the idea came from Gene’O, of The Writing Catalog, as he is someone who blogs similarly to how I […]


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