Happy Blogiversary to Me, to Me.

Six months ago today, I took my lunch and my laptop to Starbucks and launched Sourcerer. I’d kicked off this blog half an hour earlier. I didn’t trust the scheduled posting – I published every post manually that day, and spent a lot of time between posts watching my stats.

Our page views and visitors that day, on all three blogs, tripled my expectations and convinced me to keep going. I haven’t looked back since. I’m not linking to those first posts here — I’ll do that at SourcererΒ later today. Here, today, I’m nominating bloggers for the I Am a Part of the WordPress Family Award.

The rules as I understand them are to nominate 10 bloggers, display this image on your blog, and link back to the person who nominated you. That’s my kind of award, so:


If you don’t do awards, no worries. Think of this as me encouraging people to read and comment on your blog, and just keep being yourself. I’ll continue to read whether you acknowledge the nomination or not. Just know that if you are on this list, I love your blog.

Diana nominated several blogs for the same award on Friday. All of them are award-worthy. Most are people I talk with here and there.Β  All are bloggers I hold in high esteem, but none will appear in this post. I’m spreading the love as far as it will go, and that means an entirely different list. Nominations, in roughly the chronological order that I met them in, are below. All the links go to about pages, awards pages, or pages I enjoy on their blogs.


The Punchy Lands!

Taylor Grace, Author

Infinite Free Time

Peace, Love, & Great Country Music

Therefore I Geek

A Tolkienist’s Perspective

My Wild Surmise

World of Harley


Music Fan Andrea

It’s been a great six months. Here’s to six more.

Honorable Mentions: Trent P. McDonald runs an award-free blog, and we’ve talked about the pros and cons of awards. His work is award-worthy, we read one another often, and I wanted to link to him in this post as a way of expressing my positive regard, without nominating him. So I did. I hope I did it in an appropriate way. πŸ™‚

I appreciate The Wine Wankers to no end. Our content is so different, I don’t have opportunities to share them very much, but their site is so beautiful, I wish I’d designed it. I visit them often. I’ve shared them on my personal Facebook timeline. If not for Conrad’s generosity, I never would have cracked Twitter. Give them a look, especially if you’re into wine, and be assured that they aren’t really wine wankers. They’re the opposite with an appreciation for irony.

Note: I wish I could nominate more, and I know that despite our best efforts, Diana and I have left people out. But not to worry. I have a summer’s worth of award nominations piled up around my ears. So many that you would be justified in thinking I’m angling for the Lazy Blogger Award. If I didn’t nominate you today, just wait. At some point this summer, I’ll have an awards week.







About Gene'O

Compulsive writer, amateur photographer, and blogaholic. Also an evil genius.

22 thoughts on “Happy Blogiversary to Me, to Me.

  1. Happy blogiversary! I am glad that you launched these blogs! Thanks for great posts, discussions and interactions! πŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

    • Gene'O says:

      Thank you, Natacha πŸ™‚ And thank you for the links and the RTs and the comments! You know I’m nominating you for an award or two before the summer is out πŸ˜‰


  2. Harliqueen says:

    Happy blogiversary! πŸ˜€

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Osharlequin says:

    Happy Blogiversary my friend! A very high quality blog you guys run here, as always. Thank you for the mention/nomination! Very spiffing of you!

    The Oldschool Harlequin

    Liked by 3 people

  4. trentpmcd says:

    Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for the honorable mention.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Gene'O says:

      You’re welcome πŸ™‚ I had to include you. Couldn’t help myself. You’re around so often, it just felt wrong to not do that.


  5. Happy blogiversary and thank you so much for nominating me!! πŸ˜€

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Thanks Gene’O and happy 6 months of blogging! Guess I have some nominating to do πŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Congratulations on reaching this milestone, on two blogs no less.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Thank you, I can’t say thank you enough. I am always so shocked anyone reads or cares about my blurry photos and nonsense. I appreciate that you consider it to be included in your list. That’s seriously awesome. Thanks, friend. And I always stare at an award list in fear I’m misreading the name and it wasn’t really my blog name. I just scrolled up and peeked one last time to make sure.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Gene'O says:

      You’re welcome! I know we don’t talk very often, but when we do, it’s a real conversation. I value that.

      The conversation we had about the CMA votes gave me the same sort of boost that this nomination gave you. Encouragement is important. All of us need it – especially us creative types who do most of our work alone, late at nite, in the dark. The process takes a toll.

      be well, my friend.


  9. […] so much more I want to talk about! I have an award nomination to give out (was nominated for the WordPress Family Award by The Writing Catalog), and that seems like a great way to highlight some of the writers I’ve found through the […]


  10. alexraphael says:

    A lovely post.


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